Paul embarked on his transformative journey armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science from Marylhurst College and a Master’s Degree in Experiential Therapy from the University of Wisconsin. With a commitment to fostering recovery, he inaugurated his first treatment center in 1997, which marked the beginning of a remarkable chapter in addiction rehabilitation. Driven by a vision of elevating the quality of treatment in the fields of addictions and co-occurring disorders, Paul established Turning Point Recovery Center in 2010. Here, a superior and more integrative approach to addiction recovery has been cultivated, reflecting his continual dedication to expanding and enhancing treatment offerings. This unwavering focus aims at addressing the increasing needs in substance abuse and mental health within our community.
In addition to his professional accomplishments, Paul is a passionate hand cyclist and outdoors enthusiast. He finds joy and balance through engaging in various outdoor activities, including camping, alongside his wife Rebekah and their beloved dog, Rajah. His personal interests not only fuel his spirit but also enhance his compassionate approach towards those journeying through recovery.
Professional accomplishments include experience as a clinical supervisor and program coordinator for teams of clinicians working in recovery. Special interests include women in recovery and trauma processing. My strongest value lies in establishing a therapeutic connection that will activate and enhance client growth and healing.
I have been a resident of Albuquerque since 1982 and love the mountains, rivers, and high desert of New Mexico, with a special interest in native plants and wild birds.. I live in the North Valley with my husband Greg and delightful cat Hannah.
And as much as I love lab analytics and testing, I have another side to me that might surprise you if you were to meet me in person. I help people heal themselves as a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Natural Therapeutic Specialist, and an Integrative Reiki Master. I also enjoy facilitating an energetic connection to Spirit through meditation and other Shamanic practices (non-drug related of course).
I feel that it is important to embrace all aspects of your personality to be a complete and whole person. I believe that it is important to never stop learning, never stop growing, always embrace who you are, how special you are, and what you have to give back to others. There is only one you and you are awesome so share it.