We are open and helping via zoom, phone, chat, & text. Counseling and detox continue!

Dear Friends of Turning Point,

The COVID-19 pandemic has already had a deep impact in New Mexico – and it’s just beginning. We have heard from those who have relapsed because they lost jobs, were going stir crazy at home, or couldn’t take the stress. We’ve heard from parents who just want to numb out. Depression and anxiety are off the charts. Many of our neighbors are suffering in isolation. It’s hard to stay clean and sober when you feel frightened and alone. We want to do what we can to help.

Social distancing does not have to mean isolation. We can CONNECT YOU or those in need to Peers, Counselors, services and medical detox right NOW.  We have created a peer response team for clients and community members in need of help. We are available over the phone and via video. 

  • Call 505-217-1717 and a specialist can help connect with you to our programs, a Peer, or a Counselor. Our peers have experience with recovery and addiction, they are available to talk, to help you find a meeting that’s right for you, and connect you with services. Peers are available 24/7 during the epidemic.
  • If you are ready for detox, we have a clean, safe, medically supported detox in a comfortable, home-like facility in Albuquerque. 
  • Or you can detox in the comfort of your own home with our Outpatient Detox. 

We continue to serve our current clients safely and with great care during this period of uncertainty. Our Intensive Outpatient (IOP) groups continue via Zoom – and they’re working great! Individuals in our programs meet with their Certified Peer Support Workers and their Counselors via Zoom or over the phone as well. 

We are also actively looking for ways we can be of service to the community, please let us know how we can help. Finally, if you are a Peer and want to volunteer, you are needed more than ever and we can connect you to our team.

Wishing you connection and good health,

Paul Tucker,



No matter what, we are happy to talk to you and figure out what the next right step is. Please give us a call 505-217-1717 or shoot us an email info@turningpointrc.com with any questions, comments, or concerns that you have.

Virtual Meetings and Ways to Protect Yourself and Others at Physical Meetings

  • Virtual meetings are proving to be reliable, fun, and a great way to stay connected. Virtual Meetings are accessible around the world, 24/7. 
  • Call 505-217-1717 and ask to speak to a Peer. Get connected to the recovery community in NM!

If you cannot attend a virtual meeting or cannot connect with our peers, go to a meeting. Do not go if you are sick.

  • Wash your hands when you arrive and when you leave.
  • Maintain a distance of not less than 6 feet.
  • Do not hug or shake hands. There is currently no known “safe” amount of physical contact.
  • Bring hand sanitizer, especially if you’re a meeting leader.
  • If you use nicotine products, know you are at higher risk of contracting viruses of all kinds and suffering more severe symptoms. (This is a good time to consider quitting.)
  • Remember that many group members are immune compromised, including older people and newcomers.
  • Do not share food.
  • Use gloves if handling money, such as passing a basket to collect donations.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow if you cough or sneeze.
  • Check in by text or phone with friends who are not attending your meetings.

If you have to miss meetings, stay in touch with peers and treatment providers by phone and text.  Together, we can stay safe, stay connected and support one another.


  • COVID-19: potential implications for people with substance use disorders
  • A short assessment to help determine if you should be tested for coronavirus

Primary symptoms of COVID-19

  • Fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing—similar to other respiratory illnesses and the flu
  • Sudden loss of smell and taste
  • Some people are reporting sudden, severe depression or anxiety


  • We all know the basics: 
    • Regularly wash hands for 30 seconds.
    • Cover your mouth with an elbow when you cough or sneeze.
    • Avoid handshakes, handholding, hugs and other touching.
    • If you are sick, stay home! And contact your health care provider.

But if you are using, please protect yourself and those around you: 

  • Practice safe distancing as much as you can. 
  • Clean off anything, including packets of drugs or paraphernalia.
  • Don’t share needles, pipes or drinking containers
  • Be aware that any habits that you have that damage your lungs or compromise your immune system create greater risk of serious consequences from the disease. 
  • Smoking, vaping and dabbing seem to be particularly dangerous right now. Please protect your lungs.

Now more than ever, even the casual behaviors that accompany using put you and the people you care for at great risk. Even if you’re not ready to get clean for the long term, consider stopping for now. Let us help you make the change and stay safe. Please check back. We will post further updates as needed.


 Online Meetings

http://aa-intergroup.org/ The Online Intergroup aids its member groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/electronic-meetings/ Electronic meetings, like all Al‑Anon meetings, offer help and hope to anyone who is affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend. Electronic Al‑Anon meetings agree to abide by the spirit of the Twelve Traditions. Each Al‑Anon member is responsible for keeping the meeting focused on Al‑Anon recovery and discussion of Al‑Anon related topics.
https://facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/ In the Rooms is an online global recovery community that offers 24-hour meetings of all different kinds as well as a huge network of people in recovery.
https://www.intherooms.com/home/ Faces and Voices of Recovery offers resources, support, and access to recovery literature
https://www.lifering.org/online-meetings Our meetings, whether in person or online, consist of addicts using their Sober Self to connect with the Sober Self of other addicts. We share advice, understanding, and encouragement. We focus primarily on our current lives, not on the hurts and damages of the past.
https://www.nabyphone.org NA teleconference meetings are a wonderful addition to a well-rounded recovery platform, can serve as life-saving outreach and are a great way to expand your support network nationally or even internationally.
https://www.neveraloneclub.org We are a group of Narcotics Anonymous with daily online meetings where those seeking recovery can chat 24/7 for support and fellowship.
https://www.onlinegroupaa.org/ Welcome to a growing community of motivated individuals who will support and inspire you along your journey. We are here to help.
https://recoverydharma.online/ Recovery Dharma Online organizes daily meetings accessible via computer, smartphone, or dial-in. Together we meditate, study Buddhist teachings, and support each other on our paths to sobriety and peace.
https://sherecovers.co/ SHE RECOVERS® is an international movement of women in or seeking healing from substance use disorders, other behavioral health issues, and a myriad of life experiences.
https://www.smartrecovery.org/community Self-Management, And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual support groups.
https://www.virtual-na.org Bringing Narcotics Anonymous Meetings to Remote or Isolated Addicts from around the world who may, for whatever reason, be unable to attend a local face to face meetings.

*Youtube offers a variety of AA/NA recovery speakers.


No matter what, we are happy to talk to you and figure out what the next right step is. Please give us a call 505-217-1717 or shoot us an email info@turningpointrc.com with any questions, comments, or concerns that you have.

As Leaders in New Mexico’s fight against addiction, Turning Point Recovery Center will continue serving individuals, families and communities affected by addiction in the context of the public health danger of Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

We understand that the current crisis amplifies the dangers of addiction while removing or changing many community supports for recovery. We want to be here for the recovery community as a whole during this time, and we want to ensure that our programs maintain the same level of effectiveness we’ve been known for – even as our practices are altered and move online.

We are working with  medical experts to implement the recommendations of the CDC, American Society for Addiction Medicine, and the public health leadership in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County and the state of New Mexico. All the while we are re-doubling our efforts to help those affected by addiction.

Highlights of Turning Point Recovery Center’s response

  • Established a COVID-19 Strategy and Implementation Team, including a dedicated Virtual Command Center to lead our monitoring, planning, decision-making and communication. The team is led by the company owner and is staffed by his Consulting Physician, Clinical Director, Director of Operations and Chief of Communications.
  • Implementing pandemic response plans enabling us to:
    • Move all outpatient groups and counseling sessions to video conferencing.
    • Move all Clinicians to video and phone counseling .
    • Check all inpatient clients and staff daily for fever—the most common symptom of COVID-19.
    • Screen potential inpatient clients for other symptoms, international travel and community exposure 
    • Ensure the highest level of infection prevention and control, sanitation and hygiene
    • Respond quickly to any emerging situation
  • Eliminated non-essential business travel, on-site public events, and off-site patient activities through the end of April to reduce unnecessary exposure risk.

Monitoring information and implementing recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the City of Albuquerque,  the State of New Mexico, and other medical and local public health authorities.

Contact Turning Point Recovery Center:


Email: Email Us

Hours of Operation:
Monday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 9:00pm

Other Important Information

Emergency Please Call: 911

New Mexico Crisis And Access Line:

Call toll free anytime 24/7/365 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474)

AA Main Number: (505) 266-1900

Tipsy Tow: 1-800-AAA-HELP